Cecilia Eneheim Iveberg, Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB

Personal data

Surname: Eneheim Iveberg
First name: Cecilia
Date of birth: 27 September, 1969
Nationality: Swedish
Resident address: Skäralidsgatan 46, SE-216 17 Limhamn, Sweden
Resident tel: +46 (0)40 98 19 52
Office address: Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB, Malmöhusvägen 1, 211 18 Malmö
Mobile phone: +46 (0)709 18 26 15
Office email:  cecilia.iveberg@eiadvokat.se

Academic degree and qualification

University of Lund (LL.M. 1995)
Member of the Swedish Bar Association (since 2002)
Arbitrator Training Program, Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA), (2013-2014)

Professional activities and positions

Trainee, Advokatfirman Vinge, 1995
Law clerk, District Court of Helsingborg, 1996-1997
Trainee, Law Offices of Sullivan & Hincks, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, 1997
Law clerk, Court of Appeal (Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge), 1997-1998
Associate Judge, District Court of Malmoe, 1998-1999
Associate Judge, Court of Appeal (Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge), 2000-2001
Archibald Advokatbyrå, 2001-2004
Ramberg Advokater, 2004-2005
MAQS Law Firm, 2005-2015
Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB 2015-

Current professional position

Partner, Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB, Malmoe

Memberships and credits

  • Swedish Bar Association (2002)
  • Chairman of the Arbitration Association for Southern Sweden
  • Member of the Arbitration Council for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden
  • Member of SAA, Swedish Arbitration Association
  • Member of SWAN, Swedish Women in Arbitration Network
  • Member of OWAN, Öresund Women in Arbitration Network
  • Member of Arbitral Women
  • Member of the Swedish Insurance Law Association

General experience as practitioner

Commercial law practitioner since 2001, mainly within the field of dispute resolution.

Litigation and arbitration experience

Litigation experience from more than five years duty in civil courts, followed by more than 15 years as practitioner working with commercial dispute resolution. Counsel in domestic ad hoc and SCC proceedings, as well as according to the ICC rules. Sole arbitrator and party nominated arbitrator in SCC proceedings. Party nominated arbitrator and chairman in ad hoc proceedings and proceedings according to the arbitration rules of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden.

Domestic arbitrations

Counsel in ad hoc and SCC cases
Arbitrator in ad hoc and SCC cases, both chairman, sole arbitrator and party nominated

International Arbitrations

Counsel in ICC cases

Languages besides Swedish
