Cecilia Eneheim Iveberg, Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB

Personal data

Surname: Eneheim Iveberg
First name: Cecilia
Date of birth: 27 September, 1969
Nationality: Swedish
Resident address: Skäralidsgatan 46, SE-216 17 Limhamn, Sweden
Resident tel: +46 (0)40 98 19 52
Office address: Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB, Malmöhusvägen 1, 211 18 Malmö
Mobile phone: +46 (0)709 18 26 15
Office email:  cecilia.iveberg@eiadvokat.se

Academic degree and qualification

University of Lund (LL.M. 1995)
Member of the Swedish Bar Association (since 2002)
Arbitrator Training Program, Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA), (2013-2014)

Professional activities and positions

Trainee, Advokatfirman Vinge, 1995
Law clerk, District Court of Helsingborg, 1996-1997
Trainee, Law Offices of Sullivan & Hincks, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, 1997
Law clerk, Court of Appeal (Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge), 1997-1998
Associate Judge, District Court of Malmoe, 1998-1999
Associate Judge, Court of Appeal (Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge), 2000-2001
Archibald Advokatbyrå, 2001-2004
Ramberg Advokater, 2004-2005
MAQS Law Firm, 2005-2015
Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB 2015-

Current professional position

Partner, Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbyrå AB, Malmoe

Memberships and credits

  • Swedish Bar Association (2002)
  • Chairman of the Arbitration Association for Southern Sweden
  • Member of the Arbitration Council for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden
  • Member of SAA, Swedish Arbitration Association
  • Member of SWAN, Swedish Women in Arbitration Network
  • Member of OWAN, Öresund Women in Arbitration Network
  • Member of Arbitral Women
  • Member of the Swedish Insurance Law Association

General experience as practitioner

Commercial law practitioner since 2001, mainly within the field of dispute resolution.

Litigation and arbitration experience

Litigation experience from more than five years duty in civil courts, followed by more than 15 years as practitioner working with commercial dispute resolution. Counsel in domestic ad hoc and SCC proceedings, as well as according to the ICC rules. Sole arbitrator and party nominated arbitrator in SCC proceedings. Party nominated arbitrator and chairman in ad hoc proceedings and proceedings according to the arbitration rules of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden.

Domestic arbitrations

Counsel in ad hoc and SCC cases
Arbitrator in ad hoc and SCC cases, both chairman, sole arbitrator and party nominated

International Arbitrations

Counsel in ICC cases

Languages besides Swedish


Magnus Bernro, Advokatfirman LA PARTNERS

Personal data 

Surname: Bernro
First name: Magnus
Date of birth: 31 May, 1966
Nationality: Swedish
Office address: Advokatfirman LA PARTNERS, P O Box 487 , SE-201 24 Malmö, Sweden
Visiting address: Navigationsgatan 1A, 4 v.
Office tel.: +46(0)40 20 08 00
Office tel. direct: +46(0)40 20 08 57
Mobile phone: +46 (0)708 14 70 14
Office email: mb@lapartners.se

Academic degree and qualification

SAA Training Programme for Arbitrators 2010-2011
LL.M Lund University 1994
Copenhagen University 1993-1994

Professional activities and positions

Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, 1998-2008
Visiting lawyer Slaughter and May, London, 2002-2003
Ericsson Mobile Communication, 2000
Reporting clerk at the Court of Appeals for Western Sweden and assistant judge at Stenungsund District Court, 1997-1998
Law clerk at Gothenburg City Court and Swedish Enforcement Authority in Gothenburg, 1995-1997

Current professional position

Partner of Advokatfirman LA PARTNERS AB

Professional associations

Swedish Bar Association
SCC – The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) – Member of the SCC Rules Revision Committee
SAA – Swedish Arbitration Association
Member of the Arbitration Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden
Arbitration Association of Southern Sweden
Danish Arbitration Association
Malmö-Lund Lawyers’ Association
Malmö Football Association

General experience as practitioner

Magnus is an experienced commercial lawyer and project leader in mergers and acquisitions, including auction procedures, as well as in litigation and arbitration proceedings. Having served as a judge, Magnus has worked with Swedish and international commercial law from 1998. Over the years, he has acquired in-depth experience from numerous complex cases and projects, including a wide-ranging variety of problem areas as well as agreements of the type that arise as a matter of course within any company or enterprise.

His experience also includes many instances of risk management and risk assessment in purchasing and sales situations in environments varying from IT companies and other IPR-intensive areas of activity through to traditional manufacturing industries. The larger-scale projects he has managed include standard contracts for development and purchasing for a leading telecoms company, general conditions for the purchasing of consultancy services for a large medical company, and reconstruction projects for subcontractor firms in the automotive industry.

Magnus has played a leading role in a large number of acquisitions in Sweden and abroad on both vendor and purchaser sides, including a wide variety of associated agreements and issues. He is well acquainted with all the various phases of controlled auctions as project leader and leading lawyer (on both vendor and purchaser sides).

Litigation and Arbitration experience

Extensive experience of both litigation and arbitration proceedings. He has acted as counsel in Swedish and international cases subject to the rules of the FIDIC, ICC, SCC, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and the Danish Arbitration Institute, as well as ad-hoc proceedings. He has experience as arbitrator, including as chairman appointed by the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) as well as in ad hoc proceedings. During 2010-2011 he attended the Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA) and SCC well reputed training programme for arbitrators. He is a member of the Arbitration Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden. As from 2014 Magnus is a member of the SCC Rules Revision Committee.

Languages besides Swedish

Ability to conduct arbitration proceedings in English



Peter Westberg, Lunds universitet

Personal data

Surname: Westberg
First name: Peter
Date of birth: 1955
Nationality: Swedish
Office address: Law Faculty, Lund University
Office tel.: +46 (0)46 2221086
Office email: peter.westberg@jur.lu.se

Academic degree and qualification

LLM (1990), JD (Doctor of Laws, 1988), docent (1989),professor in Procedural Law, Law Faculty in Univeristy of Stockholm (1990), professor in Procedural Law, Law Faculty in University of Lund (1991), Dean of the Law Faculty in Lund (1993-1999)

Professional activities and positions


Current professional position


General experience as practitioner

Several times acting as adj. judge in civil cases

Arbitration experience

Domestic arbitrations

Legal opinions

International Arbitrations

Legal opinions

Languages besides Swedish



Formulärets överkant


[The Active Role of the Judge in Civil Litigation] Domstols officialprövning : en civilprocessuell studie i anslutning till RB 17:3 p 1. – Lund :

Juristförlaget, 1988. – 1040 s. – (Skrifter utgivna av Juridiska föreningen i Lund ; 99) Diss. Lunds univ.


[Arrest in civil litigation and “risk of sabotage”]. Kvarstad och sabotagerisk  JT 1989/90 s. 347-355


[Fictitious Litigation and Summary Judgement.] Kulissdom och summarisk tvistemålsdom  Process och exekution : vänbok till Robert Boman. – Uppsala : Iustus, 1990. – S. 359-380  

[Provisional Remedies and Execution in Real Estate]. Säkerhetsåtgärd och utmätning av dold äganderätt  JT 1989/90 s. 557-587

[Interpretation of a criminal charge.] Domstolens tolkning av åklagarens gärningsbeskrivning.
JT 1990/91 s. 291-297

[Provisional Remedies in Civil Litigation – a tool for conflict resolution?] Civilprocessuella säkerhetsåtgärder – ett instrument för konfliktlösning?   SvJT 1990 s. 161-176


[Contract and Constitutional Law]. Privaträttsliga kontrakt och regeringsformen
Festskrift tillägnad Håkan Strömberg på 75-årsdagen den 18 februari 1992. – Lund :
Juridiska föreningen, 1992. – (Skrifter utgivna av Juridiska föreningen i Lund ; 111).
– S. 309-328

[The choice of research topics and the art of writing a doctoral thesis.] Avhandlingsskrivande och val av forskningsansats : en idé om rättsvetenskaplig öppenhet  Festskrift till Per Olof Bolding. – Stockholm : Juristförlaget, 1992. – S. 421-446

[Claims and Counterclaims,] Yrkanden med motprestationsvillkor och tvistemålsprövningens yttre ram (NJA 1991 s 173)    JT 1991/92 s. 495-502

[A case on burden of proof in Civil Litigation.] Förfalskade inköpsnotor : kritiska funderingar kring ett HD-fall om bevisbördan i tvistemål   JT 1992/93 s. 155-168

[Contract and Constitutional Law.] Privaträttsliga kontrakt och regeringsformen  FT 1992 s. 309-328

[Trial – the arena of expectations.] Rättegången – en förväntningarnas arena
Lundaforskare föreläser 24 s. 12-17


[On burden of proof in Criminal Procedure]. Förklaringsbörda och knölargument i brottmål  JT 1992/93 s. 878-896

Förtroendet för domstolarna: debatt i Stockholm den 22 april 1993   Iurisdictio 1993:1 s. 18-23

[Arguments and Reasoning in Procedural Law.] Argumentationsformer inom processrätten : rättsfall och andra rättskällor : en studiebok / Lars Heuman & Peter Westberg. – Stockholm : Juristförlaget, 1993. – 155 s.


[Claims and Res Judicata.] Alternativyrkande och rättskraft i civilprocessen  JT 1993/94 s. 813-824


[Judgemade Law in Civil Procedure.] Kasuistiska marginalanteckningar eller en sedvanerättslig arkipelag : några reflexioner över underrätternas normbildning i frågor om materiell processledning i tvistemål   JT 1995/96 s. 74-92

[On legal Costs.] Rättegångskostnadsansvar och riskfördelning : några anmärkningar om rättegångskostnadsfördelningen vid återkallelse av talan i dispositiva tvistemål
JT 1995/96 s. 381-396

[Arguments and Reasoning in Procedural Law.] Argumentationsformer inom processrätten : en studiebok / Lars Heuman & Peter Westberg. – 2. uppl. – Stockholm : Juristförlaget, 1995. – 119 s.


[On legal aid.] Befogat intresse och behov av rättshjälp   JT 1995/96 s. 603-609

[Discrimination of the position of a part in Civil Litigation.] Formell diskriminering av part i rättegång  JT 1995/96 s. 787-804

[Lawyers Instrumentalism.] Den instrumentelle advokaten

Advokaten 1996:9 s. 9-12


Per Olof Bolding [minnesruna] / Peter Westberg, Lars Heuman, Gunnar Bergholtz
SDS 9/2-1997


[On Res Judicata in Civil Procedure and Arbitration.] Advokatuppdrag och processuell undersökningsbörda : betydelsen av rättskraftens preklusionsverkan i tvistemål och skiljeförfarande : skiljedomsrätt   JT 1998/99 s. 398-430


[Interpreting Precedents.] Prejudikattolkningens ABC   Normativa perspektiv : festskrift till Anna Christensen. – Lund : Juristförlaget, 2000. – S.  583-617

[Tactics in civil litigation.] Taktisk rättegångsdribbling i tvistemål: en s.k. ”Lindskogare”
Från grundlag till vardagsjuridik : en vänbok till Bo Broomé. – Malmö : Hovrätten över
Skåne och Blekinge, 2000. – S. 219-232

[Judgemade Law.] Överraskande rättsbildning på grundval av handelsbruk eller allmänt tillämpade standardvillkor : några reflexioner av NJA 1998 s 448 och 1999 s 629   JT 2000/01 s. 348-379

[On Pactum Turpe.] Svarta pengar – inget för allmän domstol  Lex lundensis 2000:1 s. 4, 10-11 [elektroniskt publicerad]


Domarens extraknäck: förtroendeskada, samhällsnytta eller privat nöje?

Lex lundensis [eletroniskt publicerad]


[Legal History in Education.] Rättshistoria – ett marginaliserat ämne? : några synpunkter på juristutbildningen och ämnet rättshistoria

Rättshistoria i förändring : Olinska stiftelsen 50 år : ett internationellt symposium i   Stockholm den 19-21 november 1997. – Stockholm : Rönnells antikvariat (distr.), 2002. – (Skrifter utgivna av Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning. Ser. 2 : Rättshistoriska studier :   22). – S. 106-110

Domarens extraknäck : förtroendeskada, samhällsnytta eller privat nöje?

Tidskrift för Sveriges domareförbund 2002:1 s. 15-23


[Provisional Remedies in Civil Litigation]. Det provisoriska rättsskyddet i tvistemål : en funktionsstudie över kvarstad och andra civilprocessuella säkerhetsåtgärder. – Lund : Juristförlaget, 2004. – 4 vol. (225, 355, 298, 384 s.). – (Skrifter utgivna vid Juridiska Fakulteten i Lund ; 153, 154, 155, 156)

[Tactics and burden of proof in civil litigation.] Processtaktik och bevisbörda i dispositiva tvistemål  Festskrift till Per Henrik Lindblom. – Uppsala : Iustus, 2004. – S. 731-754

[Fair Trial – not for the goverment?] Fair trial – inget för staten? : ett rättsfall om olagligt åtkommen bevisning och överskottsinformation   JT 2003/04 s. 660-664

[Negotiation, Contract and Judgement.] Tolkning och verkställighet av en dom som bara stadfäster delar av en förlikningsuppgörelse   JT 2003/04 s. 859-877


[Public and Private Conflict Resolution.] Från statlig till privat rättskipning : reflexioner över frågan om avsägelse av rätten till domstolsprövning  Festskrift till Hans Ragnemalm. – Lund : Juristförlaget, 2005. – S. 347-364

[On Arrest in Civil Litigation.] Bråttom att få kvarstad – inte bara en fråga om brådska
JT 2004/05 s. 883-888

Anm. av Nordback, Kenneth: Interimistiska åtgärder i EG-rättsliga mål. – Uppsala : Iustus, 2005  JT 2005/06 s. 237-247

[Burden of proof and Tactics in Civil Litigation.] Shobunshugiteki minji sosho ni okeru sosho senjutsu to shomei sekinin   Hanrei Times, Japan ; 1170


[One case on love, one on money – pactum turpe.] Ett fall om kärlek och ett om pengar – om pactum turpe och alldeles för långa och krokiga vägar till beslut om att vägra rättskipning

Festskrift till Rune Lavin. – Lund : Juristförlaget, 2006. – S. 271-283

[Taking Facts seriously.] Ta fakta på allvar : en fråga om rätt till information och rättighetsskydd  Tvärsnitt 2006:2 s. 16-19


[Diskussionsinlägg och kommentarer till rättssäkerheten i brottmål]  Rättssäkerheten i brottmål – ifrågasatt av justitiekanslern. – Lund : Lunds domarakademi,  2007. – S. 163-176

Interim Measures and Civil Litigation
Scandinavian Studies in Law 51 s. 533-557

Anm. av Robberstad, Anne: Rettskraft. – Bergen : Fagboksforlaget, 2006  TfR 2007 s. 504-506

Interim Measures and Civil Litigation  Suffolk Transnational Law Review 31 s. 13-44


[On the Web – The Swedish Court in Civil Procedure.] På Nätet – Sveriges Tingsrätt I Tvistemål. Festskrift till Hans Heinrich Vogel. Lund. Juristförlaget.

Formulärets nederkant

[Arbitration and Interim Measures] Skiljeförfarande och avtal om civilprocessuella säkerhetsåtgärder  Festskrift till Lars Gorton. – Lund : Juristförlaget, 2007 [dvs 2008]. – S. 617-636

[Rent-a-Judge] Kontrakterad privatdomare  Festskrift till Lars Heuman. – Stockholm : Jure, 2008. – S. 575-608

[Omfattningen av tvistemålsprövning i hovrätt]  Pointlex [elektroniskt publicerad]

Festskrift till Lars Heuman / Jan Kleineman, Peter Westberg och Stephan Carlsson (red.). – Stockholm : Jure, 2008. – 621 s.


[The Responsability of the Advocate or the Judge?] En uppgift för advokaten – eller för domaren?  Vänbok till Bertil Södermark. – Stockholm : Norstedts juridik. – S. 267-276

Vänbok till Bertil Södermark / [Peter Westberg et. al.(red.)]. – Stockholm : Norstedts juridik, 2009. – 285 s.


[Discovery of Evidence in Civil Litigation]. Anskaffning av bevisning i dispositiva tvistemål. – Stockholm : Norstedts juridik, 2010. – 781 s. – (Institutet för rättsvetenskaplig forskning ; 96)

Magnus Ramberg, Advokatfirman Lindahl

Personal data

Surname:  Ramberg
First name: Magnus
Date of birth: 20 January, 1960
Nationality: Swedish
Resident address: Skepparegatan 29, SE-260 40 Viken, Sweden
Resident tel.:  +46 (0)42-23 85 93
Office address: Advokatfirman Lindahl, P O Box 1214, SE-25112 Helsingborg, Sweden
Office tel.:  +46 (0)42-17 53 00
Mobile phone: +46 (0)70-735 66 29
Office email: reception.helsingborg@lindahl.se

Academic degree and qualification

Master of law, University of Lund, 1985

Professional activities and positions

1985;         President of the Student Union of Lund
1986-1987;  Chamber of Commerce of Southern Sweden /Federation of Industry. Liason officer between University of Lund and the business community.
1987-1990;  Associate at Ramberg & Stenström, Helsingborg, Sweden
1990-1992;  Associate at Lindahl, Helsingborg office
1992-       : Partner at Lindahl, Helsingborg office (www.lindahl.se)
1997-1999;  Managing Partner, Lindahl
1999-2002;  Deputy Chairman of the Board, Lindahl

Current professional positions

Partner and Chairman of the Board, Lindahl
Chairman of the Board, Haribo Lakrits AB (consumer products)
Director of the Board, Helsingborgs Dagblad AB (newspaper and media)
Member of the Board, the Arbitration Association of Southern Sweden
Member, the Law Society of Sweden (Sw; Sveriges Advokatsamfund)
Member, the Swedish Arbitration Association
Member, the Danish Association of Arbitration
Accredited mediator, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (“CEDR”), London
General experience as practitioner
Corporate, M&A, Commercial and Industry Law

Litigation experience

Act as counsel for plaintiffs and defendants in various disputes in the ordinary courts of Sweden. Experience includes commercial and contractual disputes and high value liability claims,

Arbitration experience

Domestic arbitrations

Act as counsel and arbitrator in commercial and corporate arbitration. Have served as co-arbitrator, sole arbitrator and Chairman of tribunal; Experience includes ad hoc proceedings under the Swedish Arbitration Act and institutional proceedings under the rules of SCCI and the Council of Arbitration of Southern Sweden. Frequently court appointed representative of minority shareholders and party appointed co-arbitrator in arbitrations under the Companies Act on squeeze out of minority shareholder in limited companies (Sw; tvångsinlösen).

International Arbitrations

Act as counsel and co-counsel in commercial and corporate arbitration; experience includes ad-hoc proceedings and institutional proceedings under the rules of LCIA, ICC and AAA.

Languages besides Swedish



Juridisk Tidskrift Nr 4 2002/03 (in Swedish). Skiljedomsrätt. s. 931 Några kommentarer till frågan om tillämpning av den s.k. särregeln vid tvångsinlösen av aktier (www.jt.se/author.asp?uid=350)

PLC Guide on Arbitration, A Q&A guide to arbitration in Sweden as of 2009 (http://usld.practicallaw.com/9-385-8297?q=&qp=&qo=&qe=)

Mikael Wahlgren, International Legal Service

Magnus Berlin, Setterwalls Advokatbyrå

Personal data 

Surname: Berlin
First name: Magnus
Date of birth: 7 February, 1961
Nationality: Swedish
Resident address: Boktryckaregatan 11A, SE-216 19 Malmö, Sweden
Resident tel.:  +46 (0)40 97 79 46
Office address: Setterwalls Advokatbyrå, P O Box 4501, SE-203 20 Malmö, Sweden
Office tel.: +46(0)40 690 04 16
Mobile phone: +46 (0)707 83 77 33
Office email: magnus.berlin@setterwalls.se

Academic degree and qualification

LL.M. University of Lund, Sweden, 1987

Professional activities and positions

1987-1989, District Court of Eslöv, law clerk
1989-1990, Court of Appeal, Malmoe, law clerk
1990-1991, District Court of Helsingborg, assistant judge
1992         Court of Appeal Malmö, associate judge
1993-1996, Lindahl law firm, associate
1997-1999, Lindahl law firm, partner
2000-        Setterwalls law firm, partner

Current professional position

Partner of Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB

General experience as practitioner

Member of the Swedish Bar Association since 1995.
Member of the International Bar Association
Licensed as a foreign legal consultant in the State of New York, USA

Litigation experience

Extensive experience in a wide range of commercial litigation (including, but not limited to, areas such as construction, IT-projects, insurance, mergers and acquisitions, company law, agency and distribution, liability for consultants) in the courts of law in Sweden.

Arbitration experience

Domestic arbitrations

Counsel in a number of domestic arbitrations.
Co-arbitrator of domestic arbitral tribunals in a number of cases.
Chairperson in domestic arbitrations.
Sole arbitrator appointed by the Arbitral Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and by the Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC).

International Arbitrations

Counsel in a number of cases under the ICC, the SCC and the UNCITRAL Rules.

Languages besides Swedish

Ability to conduct arbitration proceedings in English


”Enforcement of an Arbitration Award against States and State-Controlled Entities” (Swedish report delivered at AIJA Annual Congress in Sydney 1998).

”The New Swedish Arbitration Act” (Presented at AIJA Seminar in Stockholm 2001).

”Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” (Presented at AIJA Annual Congress in Edinburgh 2003).

”Local Courts dealing with International Disputes” (Presented at AIJA Annual Congress in Edinburgh 2003).

Lennart Iwar, Setterwalls Advokatbyrå

Personal data

Surname: Iwar
First name: Lennart
Date of birth: 22 July, 1955
Resident address: Östanväg 24, SE-217 74 Malmö, Sweden
Resident tel: +46 (0)40 16 23 22
Office address: Setterwalls Advokatbyrå, P O Box 4501, SE-203 20 Malmö, Sweden
Office tel.: +46 (0)40 690 04 00
Mobile phone:
+46 (0)706 37 11 12
Office email: lennart.iwar@setterwalls.se

Academic degree and qualification

LL.M University of Lund, Sweden, 1981

Professional activities and positions

2000- Setterwalls
1991-1999, Lindahl law firm
1988-1991, Lundius, Laurin och Ljungholm law firm
1985-1988, Sydkraft AB, corporate lawyer
1983-1985, Appeals Court of West Sweden
1981-1983, District Court of Västervik
1981, University of Lund (LL.M)

Current professional position

Partner of Setterwalls Advokatbyrå

General experience as practitioner

Member of the Swedish Bar Association since 1990.

Member of the International Bar Association.

Arbitration experience

Domestic arbitrations

Counsel in domestic arbitrations regarding construction and implementation of process plants, energy plants and industrial plants, regarding mergers and acquisitions, regarding industrial cooperations and joint ventures etc.

Co-arbitrator of domestic arbitral tribunals in a number of cases.

Chairperson in domestic arbitrations.

Sole arbitrator appointed by the Arbitral Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden.

Languages besides Swedish

Ability to conduct arbitration proceedings in English.


Engaged as an expert giving comments on FIDIC’s test version of “Conditions of Contract for EPC Turnkey Projects”

Co-author of the FIDIC and Swedish Construction Law (part of the IBA Book Project)

Johan Sigeman, Advokatbyrån Sigeman & Co

Personal data

Surname: Sigeman
First name: Johan
Date of birth: 30 September, 1957
Nationality: Swedish
Resident address:  Källarekroken 64, SE-226 47 Lund, Sweden
Resident tel.: +46 46 184453
Office address: Advokatbyrån Sigeman & Co, Anna Lindhs plats 4, SE-211 19 Malmö, Sweden
Office tel.: +46 40 6655500
Mobile phone: +46 705 186772
E-mail: johan.sigeman@sigeman.se

Academic degree and qualification

Universities of Uppsala and Lund (LL.M. 1982)
Member of the Swedish Bar Association (since 1990)

Professional activities and positions

1982-1985; Associate Judge, District Court of Malmö
1985-1987; Associate Judge, Court of Appeal (Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge)
1987-1991; Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, Stockholm and Malmö
1991-; Advokatbyrån Sigeman & Co, Malmö

Current professional position

Founder and partner of Advokatbyrån Sigeman & Co, Malmö
Chairman of the Board, the Labor Law Association for Southern Sweden (Sw: Arbetsrättsliga föreningen för Södra Sverige)
Chairman of the Board, TT-Line AB (ferry line Germany-Sweden)
Chairman of the Board, UBQ AB (logistics)
Lecturer at the Law school at University of Lund in the field of labor law dispute resolution and transfer of undertakings.
Accredited mediator, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (”CEDR”), London
Deputy Board member of the Arbitration Institute of the Chamber of Commerce for Southern Sweden (Sw: Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammarens Skiljeråd).

General experience as practitioner

Commercial law practitioner since 1987, mainly in the field of dispute resolution and labor law.

Litigation experience

Service in Swedish Courts during five years, followed by 25 years as practitioner within the field of commercial and labor dispute resolution.

Arbitration experience

Domestic arbitrations

Frequently appointed as arbitrator, both within the framework of the Swedish Arbitration Act and the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (”SCC”) (as sole arbitrator in expedited arbitrations as well as chairman and co-arbitrator in ordinary arbitration cases).
Former chairman of the Arbitration Association of Southern Sweden.
Counsel in ad hoc and SCC cases (commercial and labor law cases).

Languages besides Swedish


Finn Madsen, Advokatfirman Vinge

Personal data

Surname: Madsen
First name:
Date of birth: 14 January, 1953
Resident address: Sveciagatan 15, SE-216 18 Malmö, Sweden
Resident tel: +46 (0)40 16 06 69
Office address: Advokatfirman Vinge, P O Box 4255, SE-203 13 Malmö, Sweden
Office tel: +46 (0)40 664 55 00
Mobile phone: +46 (0)709 655 237
Office email: finn.madsen@vinge.se

Academic degree and qualification

LL.B (Swe: jur kand), Lund’s University, Sweden, 1980

Professional activities and positions

Service in Swedish District Courts and Court of Appeal 1980 – 1986.
Associated with Hägglund & Ramm-Ericson Law firm, Stockholm 1986 – 1988.
Associated with Johnsson & Johnsson Law firm, Stockholm 1988 – 1991.
Head of Legal Department, Gota Bank, Southern District, 1992 – 1993.
Associated with Advokatfirman Vinge KB,
1993 – 1995 and partner since 1995.
Chairman of the Arbitration Association of Southern Sweden since 2008.

Current professional position

Partner of Advokatfirman Vinge KB

General experience as practitioner

Member of the Swedish Bar Association since 1993.
Member of the International Bar Association.

Litigation experience

Vast experience in commercial litigation (including, but not limited to, areas such as trade and finance, joint ventures and industrial cooperation, mergers and acquisitions, company law, agency and distribution, intellectual property rights, construction, finance and banking) in the courts of law in Sweden. A number of cases have been brought before the Supreme Court.

Arbitration experience

Domestic arbitrations

Counsel in a number of domestic arbitrations.
Co-arbitrator of domestic arbitral tribunals in a number of cases.
Chairperson in a number of domestic arbitrations.
Sole arbitrator appointed by the Arbitral Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and by the Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC). Chairperson appointed by the SCC.

International Arbitrations

Counsel and co-arbitrator in a number of cases under the ICC, the SCC and the UNCITRAL Rules.
Appointed Sole Arbitrator by the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris
Appointed Sole Arbitrator by the SCC

Languages besides Swedish

Ability to conduct arbitration proceedings in English and Danish.


Skiljeförfarande i Sverige (Arbitrations in Sweden), Jure (2nd edition 2009).
Commercial Arbitration in Sweden, Oxford University Press (3rd edition), 2007, and in Mandarin by Law Press China 2008.
A number of articles regarding arbitration including:
Interim Measures – The Frontier of International Arbitration, published 2008 in a commemorative publication in honour of professor Lars Heuman.
Deliberations of the Arbitral Tribunal, published in Stockholm International Arbitration Review (“SIAR”) 2006:2.
Navigating in the Archipelago of Swedish Due Process Safeguards; a Sea Chart indicating a Few Treacherous Reefs, to be published in SIAR 2009:2

Bengt Olsson, Hässleholms tingsrätt – Chief judge

Personal data

Surname: Olsson
First name: Bengt
Date of birth: 17 August, 1954
Nationality: Swedish
Office address: Helsingborgs tingsrätt, P O Box 712, SE-251 07 Helsingborg, Sweden
Office tel: +46 (0)42-19 97 38
Mobile phone: +46 (0)767-61 16 71
Office email: bengt.olsson@dom.se

Academic degree and qualification

Master of Laws, Lund 1985

Professional activities and positions 

Secretary to a Government Committee on Arbitration Law and related matters 1992 – 1995
Legal Adviser at the Ministry of Justice, 1995-1996
Administrative Director at the Court of Appeal in Malmö, 1997-2002
Judge at Lund District Court, 2002-2008
Senior Judge, Head of Division at Helsingborg District Court 2008-

Current professional position 

Senior Judge, Head of Division at Helsingborg District Court since march 2008

Arbitration experience

Domestic arbitrations

Several appointments as Chairman of Arbitral Tribunals and as Sole Arbitrator

Languages besides Swedish 



Lagen om skiljeförfarande, En kommentar. Norstedts Gula Bibliotek, 2000.
Tvistlösning genom skiljeförfarande. Norstedts, 2:a uppl, 2007.